Friday, November 30, 2012

There's just something about tea

"I'll have a medium coffee with room for cream," he said, and I thought, He must be a serious business man, as I filled the cup.

"I'll have a large caramel latte with two extra shots," he said, and I thought, Someone must have had a late night, as the milk frothed.

"I'll have a double espresso," he said, and I thought, I'll bet he lifts for fun, as the grinder whirred.

"I'll have an Earl Grey tea," he said, and I thought...Tea is mysterious. A man that orders tea catches your attention. 

And then I spilled hot water across my hand.

I don't actually watch the show.
I just really appreciated this.

Monday, November 26, 2012


I giggled a bit when I realized that this song was playing at work today:

Also, I find it a little unnerving when drive through customers greet me by name. It's true that I have just introduced myself to them, but I never expect them to reply with a, "Hello, Bonnie! I'd like--" It's alright when a regular does it, someone like Kim or Jim or Mary, because I've actually had conversations with them. But when a random stranger (that I usually can't even see) addresses me personally, I don't know how to take it.